Watch Imagine Cup SEA Finals live from Philippines on WindowsGeek


The South-East Asia Finals of Imagine Cup will be happening today (24) in the Philippines. For this contest, 10 teams which are consist of students from 10 countries will participate. They are Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Nepal, Laos and Sri Lanka.

As you are our sincere readers, you all know about the team Titans. But if you don’t know yet, follow this – Team TitansImagine Cup 2017 Sri Lanka National Champions

The Finals of this contest will be broadcasted through our website and WindowsGeek Facebook page. The live broadcast will start at 2:00 p.m. in Sri Lankan time. And also, you can support your team by a vote.

Today (24), live broadcasting will be at 2:00 p.m.

We warmly invite you to support for Team Titans by going to below links. Don’t forget to spread the word!

Vote here:

Watch it here or Facebook page

Imagine Cup 2017 SEA Regional Finals Livestream

We wish all the best for Team Titans as well as other teams!! 🙂




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