Microsoft Accelerator – A foundation for startups


Microsoft Accelerator is a global initiative which was started in United States to help entrepreneurs around the world to build good companies. The main objective of Microsoft Accelerator is to provide the tools, resources, connections and expertise for startups(later-stage) to become successful companies and also help those startups to stand with large scale companies. It provides the support and resources necessary to build a sustainable company and to shine in the aspects like team culture development, recruiting talent, learning how to work with big companies and developing new markets.


There are many Microsoft accelerators established in all over the world. Some of them are located in London, Seattle, Bangalore etc. Accelerator in Seattle has found out that three startups are doing research work regarding machine learning who are engaged with Microsoft Accelerator. It gives another valuable advantage to their customers. It is that they are looking for startups which are based on leveraging the power of data science, machine learning, analytics and enterprise IoT.


A company named Wipro is helping startups to grow with the help of Microsoft Accelerator. Information technology major Wipro has stated it will work with selected startups in India to help them scale their businesses and to take them to global customers.




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