New hardware standards for Windows 10 products


Microsoft has recently updated the hardware requirements for Windows 10, in order to facilitate much more flexibility for the OEMs. (Original Equipment Manufacturers) Through providing much more flexibility to the OEMs Microsoft expects them to design more and more Windows 10 enabled products; which will ultimately assist them to increase their sales in both Mobile & Desktop versions of the operating system.

  1. Following are some notable changes that they have introduced  The lower limit of the screen size for Windows 10 desktop editions has reduced to 7 inches which was previously marked as 8 inches. Desktop versions may also include tablets, laptops, and other All-in-ones.
  2. Minimum memory requirement has been increased to 2 GB of RAM for all the devices, which was previously stated as 1GB for 32-bit machines and 2GB for 64-bit machines. Also it suggests that the machines should must at least have 16GB of internal storage for the 32-bit version of the OS and 20GB if for the 64-bit version.
  3. The upper limit for the Microsoft mobile devices has increased to 9 inches which was previously marked as 7.99 inches Apart from those common changes Windows 10 Mobile products also requires to have an auto-flash for the Anniversary Update as well.




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