Windows 10 free upgrade ends from today


Microsoft  introduced their most amazing OS,Windows 10 on 15th of July 2015.They promised that they will give a one year time for free upgrades to all Windows 7,8.1 and 8.1 phone users.So this offer ends from today.But this is not valid for phone users .Because  they still provide this facility for some selected phones.But for this they need to download Upgrade Advisor app in their mobile devices.

You may not interested about upgrading this.But you may miss some important upgrades from this.You may miss the Extensions in Edge browser,developed features of Cortana,easy installations and uninstall facility of Windows Ink and the chance to buy Windows 32 apps from windows store are some of them.Not only that, after you get registered into Windows 10 you can turn towards Windows 7 or 8,1 at any time and can join back to Windows 10 without facing any difficulties.Though the Anniversary update is not important for you now,the Anniversary Updates that comes in near future may be useful for you.Also this Windows 10 will be valid until 2020.




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