Microsoft brings Chromium browser to replace the default on Windows 10


It’s going to be a new phase for Microsoft Windows that they are going to shift for a new default browser for their upcoming release. By identifying that Chrome is now the most popular browser across all devices, Microsoft has decided to make this change.  This is mostly seemed as an effort to improve web compatibility for Windows. By the end of 2018, Microsoft has announced that it will be transitioning its browser to a Chromium-based platform in 2019.

In 2015 they introduced Edge browser to their customers, by beating the Internet Explorer by modernizing the default browsing experience. Three years ago Internet Explorer was disliked by users because it was insecure and confusing to use while looking for alternative browsers. So that Microsoft thought of discarding all the rejected features of Internet Explorer and offering a modern, fast web browsing experience for Windows users. Identifying the best features of Edge, performance tests showed that Edge was roughly as fast as competitors like Chrome and Firefox, leaving Internet Explorer in the dust. Facilitating to create web notes, Edge users could highlight text, or draw lines over the page to focus attention on something, or apply virtual stickers and text on top of the screen.  When you opened the web browser, in the first page it displays your favourite web pages and videos based on your browsing history, interactions you’ve had with Cortana, and personal data like where’s your current location is. It helped to instantly to reach what you want where you’re looking for something to watch or read. Perfect integration Edge had with Windows 10 was supportive to users to make their work done easily since it was built with built-in Cortana assistance. If someone was using Windows 10 computer in tablet mode, Edge had clear, stout buttons, menus and can swipe left to go back a page, and right to page forward. Edge supported users to snooze tabs for later without requiring any new extensions or add-ons. You just had to tap on “Set these tabs aside” button, at very top left of the interface and screen is disappeared, giving you a fresh start and tapping on “Tabs that you’ve set aside” button you are navigated to that hidden tab again.


But now again Microsoft has decided to shift to its default Windows 10 browser to Chromium because Chrome is now the most popular browser across all devices. Since Chrome has turned into the new Internet Explorer-6, most of the developers prefer its rendering engine to optimize their sites. Anyhow Chrome is being used in the same way that Internet Explorer 6 was back in those days. You may have heard about Windows XP which was a computer operating system popular in 2001 as part of the Windows NT family of operating systems. The popularity gained by Windows XP caused by its browser features. Internet Explorer-6 arrived just as the “dot com” bubble was collapsing, and internet usage in the US was growing rapidly while dominating, 90 percent of the entire browser market at its peak time.


By replacing Edge’s rendering engine – named “EdgeHTML” – with Blink, Microsoft’s one remaining browser will be able to access the library of Chrome extensions. Currently Microsoft and Google engineers appear to be collaborating to support a version of Chrome running on Windows on ARM. Joining Chromium and putting Blink inside Edge will also allow Microsoft to again offer a cross-Windows and cross-platform browser. Microsoft and Google have also been working closely to add a Windows 10 dual-boot option to Chromebooks recently, codenamed “Campfire.” If the two companies are working more closely on these types of projects, it does show that the Scroogled days are well and truly in the past. Anyhow Microsoft’s timeline for shifting from EdgeHTML to Blink was vague; the company said it would work on the change “over the next year or so” and that a preview would be available in early 2109.




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